Update 3/3/2024

NPO NEMTUS has started accepting donations for the emergency relief of the 2024 earthquake on the Noto Peninsula in Ishikawa Prefecture

On 1 January 2024, at around 16:10, the 7.6 magnitude earthquake struck the Noto-Peninsula in Ishikawa prefecture. There have also been tsunamis and fires. The earthquake is still ongoing and causing extensive damage. NPO NEMTUS take this emergency situation very seriously and has started accepting donations for the emergency relief to support the affected areas and people.

NEMTUS donation acceptance page for the support

Donations can be made on the following dedicated page on the official NEMTUS website. (The English text is listed after the Japanese text.)

The dedicated page→【Donations are now being accepted for emergency relief for the Noto Peninsula, Ishikawa Prefecture Earthquake in 2024!】

  Donations can be made in Symbol (XYM), NEM (XEM), or Japanese YEN. And NEMTUS is considering accepting donations in BTC and ETH as well.
Note: The Symbol (XYM) and NEM (XEM) donation address QR codes on the NEMTUS donation acceptance page are QR codes that can be read by the Symbol or NEM wallet. For direct transfers from exchanges, the exchange's payout system may not be compatible with reading the QR code, in which case please enter the donation address directly or copy and paste it into the transfer address on the exchange form.
  Donations in Symbol (XYM) and NEM (XEM) will be accepted at a dedicated reception address, while donations in Japanese Yen can be made through a donation platform called "Congrant".

Check the status of donations

To check the status of donation to Symbol(XYM), click here.
It shows the total amount in XYM and the message attached to the TransferTransaction to the Symbol(XYM) donation address NAU7KA-NQ25G6-KUFQUH-QSRIFO-GPEIK7-7FC3W7-KXI.

Where to send your donation

NEMTUS is planning to deliver the donations to the donation desk in Ishikawa Prefecture. And NEMTUS will announce it as soon as it is decided.

5 Jan. Postscript

The donation account for the 2024 Noto Peninsula earthquake have been posted on the Ishikawa Prefecture website. 令和6年(2024年)能登半島地震に係る災害義援金の受付について
NEMTUS will transfer the donations to the following account, which is the designated account for Ishikawa Prefecture.
石川県令和6年能登半島地震災害義援金北國銀行 県庁支店普通預金28593

A previous NEMTUS disaster relief activity

3.11 Reconstruction support donation project for The Great East Japan Earthquake

14 Feb. 2024 Postscript

A crypto community 'Crypto Hiroba' donated to the emergency relief fund for the 2024 Noto Peninsula earthquake with XYM

2 Mar. Postscript

Donation status

Donations were transferred to The donation account for the 2024 Noto Peninsula earthquake on 28 February 2024.

Total donations (as at 26 Feb 2024)

  • XEM:2,100 XEM
  • XYM:178,118 XYM
  • JPY:¥16,000
XEM (NEM) and XYM (symbol) exchanged for Japanese Yen.
  • XEM:¥11,912
  • XYM:¥712,472
  • JPY:¥16,000
  • Total:¥740,384
The messages attached to each of the transactions were also sent by NEMTUS to Ishikawa Prefecture.
Image of the transfer receipt
NEMTUS continues to accept donations.
