Update 6/19/2023

Publication of the Siam Reiwa (2020) co., ltd. report

大麻は人類の貴重な資源になれるか ~ある日系企業に見るタイのバイオ産業の未来~ Can cannabis become a valuable resource for mankind? - The future of Thailand's bio-industry from the perspective of a Japanese company -
Siam Reiwa (2020) co., ltd., engaged in the cultivation of medical and industrial cannabis and the manufacture and sale of cannabis-related products; construction of the plant began in July 2020 and was completed in January 2021.
The company applied for a licence when Thailand introduced a licensing system for the cultivation and sale of cannabis by private companies. Licences for 'cultivation', 'sales', 'seed importation' and 'seed sales' were granted and cultivation and production commenced immediately.
The reason for growing in a factory is quality control. In particular, if the temperature cannot be controlled, the quality will not be stable, for example the concentration of THC will increase, and it will not be possible to supply to hospitals and pharmaceutical companies. There are only four companies in Thailand, including Siam Reiwa (2020) co., ltd., that have production facilities at a level that allows us to wholesale to pharmaceutical companies, etc., and they produce in completely indoor plant factories.
In production, the company uses agri-tech farming methods such as IoT, where sensors and connected devices are integrated into agricultural equipment and crops. The main environmental factors are temperature, humidity, light and carbon dioxide. Light is fine-programmed, for example what colour and spectrum is best for different stages of growth. In addition, production, shipping and sales data are centralised and a tracking system based on the 'Symbol' blockchain platform, which is developed through joint industry-university research between Denso and Gifu University Japan, is used. The system prevents data tampering and ensures security.
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