Update 11/5/2023

An App called “Mobile Node powered by Symbol” has been launched that allows users to host Symbol nodes with a smartphone

The mobile node App submitted by tqm-dev to the NEMTUS Hackathon HACK+2023 has finally been launched on the Google Play Store after a trial period with the help of community volunteers.
"Mobile Node powered by Symbol" is a revolutionary application that allows users to easily build and run Symbol blockchain nodes, and harvesting (earning block rewards) as well. Although an internet environment is required, no knowledge of domain acquisition or servers is needed, and anyone can easily contribute to decentralisation by building their nodes. The Testnet version is available for free, while the Mainnet version is available for a fee.
The side-loading version also allows users to pay to unlock features with XYM, and a signature bot application has been developed to earn this cost and unlock it on Android, working in the background 24 hours a day.

"Mobile Node powered by Symbol" App details

[Recommended environment and specifications]
  • Android OS: Android 11 and subsequent versions
  • RAM:More than 4GB
  • CPU:More than ARMv8−A 8core(Intel-based systems are not supported)
[Storage] By 25 September 2023, storage on the main network will consume approximately 72 GB.
  • Internal storage on Android devices
  • SD card
  • External SSD
[Hardware configuration for reference]
  • Galaxy 5G Mobile Wi-Fi (Using as an Android device)
  • SSD 1TB
  • Anker USB hub & battery charger
Google Play version Side-loading version
[Related article] 【CoinPost】スマホで簡単ノード運用、Androidアプリケーション「Mobile Node powered by Symbol」公開 【BITTIMES】Symbol(XYM)のノード運用をAndroidスマホで「Mobile Node」アプリ公開
[Informations] Developer X(Twitter) account:tqm-dev Github:Github MobileNodeProject NEMTUS Hackathon HACK+ 2023 Entry No.10「Mobile Node powered by Symbol」
Draft 25 Sept 2023. Revision 27 Sept 2023.
